Why roses from Ecuador?

The roses from Ecuador have more intense colors, larger flower heads and thicker stems. This is because certain areas in Ecuador are very suitable for growing high quality pink. This is due to the sea climate. In addition, the roses are nurseries at the fertile soil of the Andes Mountains. The nurseries are often at more 3200 meters above sea level. Due to its high location and the location on the equator, the distance between the sun and the earth is short, which ensures a high light intensity. In the evening the temperature drops, this ensures that the growth is slower but also more intense. This results in the beautiful roses from Ecuador! Greenflor import this pink to the Netherlands so that you too can enjoy it.

Colors roses from Ecuador

Greenflor has a very extensive range of pink. The Latin name for roses is Rosa. They differ in sizes and size of the flower heads, but the most striking, the different colors. The roses are imported into all kinds of colors. There are white roses, pink roses, orange pink, red roses and blue pink. Of these colors there are also many variations in the intensity of the color.

Red roses

The red rose, the most famous color under the roses. The roses have a beautiful litter color. Red roses symbolize love and romance. But also friendship, respect and loyalty. In addition, the characteristics of beauty and perfection are also well fitting with the red rose.

White roses

White is of course not officially not color, but white roses symbolize purity, purity and embarrassment. White roses are very popular in bridal bouquets and corsages. In addition to weddings, white roses are also used a lot in funeral bouquets.

Blue roses

The blue rose symbolizes heavenly love, or the filled love. In the Far East they are often given away for an engagement and a marriage. If the blue rose is still clever, it symbolizes the desire to go into depth. When the blue rose is in full bloom, it symbolizes intense experience.

Pink roses

Pink roses are available different shades in Veer. It often differs in the intensity of the pink color. Light pink roses symbolize soft and sweet. This ensures that they get the meaning of admiration and happiness. Dark pink roses stand for gratitude.

Preserved roses

In addition to a very wide range of fresh roses, Greenflor is also your flowers exporter for preserved roses. This rose is also called the eternal rose. This is because the rose stays beautiful for at least a year. This means that the rose does not drop out, weak or loses its color. Greenflor is the importer for all types of roses.

Frequently asked questions about roses

How do roses stay beautiful for as long as possible?

If the roses are well cared for, they can look great for more than 10 days. This can be done by cutting the stems at an angle with a sharp knife. You must then remove the leaves that would come to the water. Place the roses in a vase cleaned with chlorine, make sure it contains clean water with a drop of chlorine and replace the water after 3 to 4 days. Make sure that the roses do not warm up and are not too cold. Finally, the roses do not close to a fruit bowl. In this way you can optimally enjoy the roses from Ecuador.

Watch the video of how roses are processed into a bouquet below